Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fred E. Ottley's Parents by Ewart Ottley

"I think of our sweet mother and dad but will never know the love, anxiety, compassion, and respect they had for each other and for nine boys and girls.  I try to feel that love when I think of the care they gave us.  How often I was awakened by a sweet mother's touch as she went from bed to bed to see that all was well before she went to bed.  The coming of her and Dad to the side of my bed when I was sick or had the earache was always a comfort to me.  Their getting up at all hours of the night to give medicine and to see that all was all right goes to show their love for us.  I know we are all thankful for them and each other.  We were kids together.  I think of and I believe the sweetest thing I ever saw in my life, at least something that has always stayed with me happened in what we called the front room.  I was about eight or nine years old and was going to school.  I would hurry home from school as Thirza was very sick.  So sick I remember well this night.  We kids were in the front room.  Mother held Thirza in her arms doing everything for her that she knew how.  I heard Mother say, "oh, she's gone."  Everything was quiet.  Father, knew of a greater power which he used.  All was most silent.
A few days later as I hurried home from school I walked over to the cradle where Thirza lay and she looked up and smiled.  I shall never forget her and how I felt.  I still have that same feeling in my heart."

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